HSLP Celebrates Community Growth and Accomplishments at Annual Retreat

As our HSLP community continues to grow, it is important to gather together to reflect and share.
For some, this may mean renewing or refining a commitment to future goals, or invigorating a
passion to do something meaningful, or taking inspiration by the example of others in our community.

The yearly HSLP Retreat is a chance to do all those while also making new friends and finding support in
our vibrant community.

This year, HSLPers numbering more than ever, came together on Sunday December 17th to talk, laugh
and celebrate their accomplishments together.

Students from all years discussed together the challenges faced by healthcare professionals in their
daily working environments, fourth-year students presented their recent overseas experiences from
project semester, and other senior students and alumni talked about their leadership and research
opportunities from the past year.

HSLP students have clearly had a productive and exciting year and we would like to congratulate them
on their accomplishments! We can’t wait to see what they do next.
Happy New Year to all!